October 2019 Meeting Minutes

10/30/2019 12:00 am


Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

October Meeting – 10/2/2019

6:15 – 6:30

Arrival, Mingle, Purchase Raffle Tickets

6:30 – 6:45

Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions - Sam

Community Building activity 

6:45 – 7:00

Accomplishments – Sam

  • June 2018 Meeting  (approval of minutes)
  • Membership Update & Prizes
  • K1/K2 Welcome Coffee
  • Welcome Back Picnic - 75 pizzas all gone by 6:54
  • Mobile App
  • Walk to School Day-- This morning!

7:00 – 7:10


  • School Site Council (SSC) – Kristy 
  • Citywide Parent Council (CPC) – Steve 
  • Friends of the Lyndon (FOTL) – Joy
  • Room Parents – Stefanie

7:10 – 7:20

Fundraising Updates 

  • Box Tops – Emily
  • A+ Rewards (Stop & Shop)
  • Amazon Smile
  • Lyndon Gear – Heather Gamache

7:20 – 7:25

2018/2019 Budget & Treasurer’s Report – Fran

7:25 – 7:40

Elections – Rachel

  • SSC (2 seats)
  • CPC (1 seat, 1 alternate) 

7:40 – 7:45

Committee Overview - Sam 

  • Spell Check - Heather Sullivan
  • Square1Art - Susan

7:45 – 8:00

Upcoming Events

  • Phone Safety/Parental Controls Training by AT&T
  • Election Day Bake Sale 11/5
  • Square One Art - Late Oct thru Nov
  • Neighborhood Night @ Chipotle in Dedham 10/22
  • 2nd PTA Meeting, hosted by middle school: Wednesday, 11/6 -- Bring a friend to get entered into a raffle!!!
  • FOTL Silent Auction 11/7
  • Turkey Trot Sat Nov 23rd
  • Scholastic Book Fair - Dec 3, 4, 5
Read More

Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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