December 2019 Meeting Minutes

2/4/2020 12:36 am

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

Meeting Minutes

December 4, 2019



  1. Welcome, Meeting Overview
  • Introductions of the PTA Board, Management Team and Middle School Team


  1. Community Building Exercise
  • Name one thing you would put on your wish list for the Lyndon Community
    • Improvements to the outdoor classroom to make it more accessible to students and teachers
    • Increased outdoor time during the winter months
    • More cultural/community awareness opportunities
    • Sound-proofing in the gymnasium and cafeteria
    • Re-work the auditorium to create space for more movement activities
    • Opportunity for drama class or activity


  • Meeting Minutes
  • Motion to approve the November 2019 meeting minutes. Motion passed. One abstention.


  1. Accomplishments
  • Read for the Record: between parents, teachers, volunteers and students 400 readers participated on November 7th
  • Square 1 Art: orders were placed. Based on the number of orders, this year’s net sales were the highest they have ever been.  $7,751 in net sales.  We earn 33% of the net sales.  Products should start arriving next week.
  • Lyndon Gear: the online order form should be up and running within the week. Orders will be open until the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  Orders will be placed in time to receive the Gear before the holiday break.
  • Turkey Trot: Incredible turnout! The PTA raised $23,000, which is $19,000 more than was raised in 2014. We saw a growth in local business sponsors and also school parents who agreed to be business sponsors.  Also, family sponsorships doubled this year.  Huge thank you to all of the volunteers


  1. Membership Drive
  • New members who join between now and December 18th will be entered to win four front row seats at the K1-5 holiday concert.


  1. Updates
  • School Site Council: an offer was made to the K2 long-term substitute teacher; the school quality plan is underway; teachers are in the process of conducting conferences and preparing to issue report cards. A discussion was held about recess and


  • City Wide Parent Council: No new meetings have been held since last month. There is a STEM conference at the Deerborn STEM Academy this weekend, which is a family event.


  • Friends of the Lyndon: The FOTL Silent Auction raised over $27,000. More teachers attended this year than any other year.  FOTL is reminding teachers to complete their grant request forms.


  • Room Parents: No new update other than to report that holiday craft projects will be taking place this month in the classrooms.


  • Library: No update.


  • Wellness Committee: No update


  • Caring Committee: Lora Esty is stepping down as a committee chair. She asked two parents if they are interested in helping.  A motion was made to add Julie Ma and Julie Colantonio as co-chairs of the Caring Committee.  Motion passed.  Also, please consider donating to the family in need.  Donations can be left at the lower school office.


  • Treasurer’s Report (Fran Guardabascio)
  • Turkey Trot income is up.
  • Upcoming expenses include Square 1 Art and Red Sox tickets.


  • Upcoming Events
  • Book Fair: Began yesterday. It was extended one-day due to the snow storm.


  • 3rd Grade Book Drive: Notices went home in backpacks. Please consider making a donation.


  • Give Back Nights:
    • December 13th at Proud Mary in Needham from 4 to 8 p.m.
    • Kids R Kids - TBD


  • Lower School Holiday Concert: December 20th at 10:00 a.m.


  • Spell Check/Spelling Bee:
    • Spell check should occur in classrooms before January 17th
    • School wide spelling bee is on February 12th


  • Upcoming PTA Meetings: February 5th (K2); March 4th (K1); April 1 (2nd)


  • Lyndon Night Red Sox Game: Sunday, April 4th




  1. Committees


  • Spelling Bee: Heather Sullivan would like assistance and to pass off to another parent for next year
  • Parents Night Out: Heather Gamache and Rachel Koebler are looking into venues.
  • Drop-off Brigade: Is anyone interested in assisting?


Motion to Adjourn.  Motion passed.

Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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