November 2020 PTA Meeting Minutes

12/9/2020 11:25 am

Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – 6:30 EDT




Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions, Meet and Greet Breakouts

  • Board and directors introduced themselves.
  • Members into breakout rooms where they shared names, how they are connected to the Lyndon, and one thing they are grateful for this Thanskgiving season.
  • Encouragement to join PTA if not already a member. This year, membership dues ($12/family) have a particularly big impact where other fundraising activities are limited.
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December 2020 PTA Meeting Minutes

12/2/2020 2:16 pm

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 – 6:30 EDT

Present:  Sam Lewis (President), Lee Rushton (Vice-President), Ed Greenaway (Treasurer), Katie Hazelton (Secretary) Katie Tunney (Lower School Director), Andre Ward (Upper School Director), Karen McLaughlin (SAR Teacher Representative), Amy Browne (Teacher Representative)

Other attendees: Lora Estey, Trish Tierney, Chrissy Conley, Steve Lewis, Vickie Spiess, Emily Cusimano, Joy Mello, Julie Ma, Leila Samara.

Sponsored By: Grade 5

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October 2020 PTA Meeting Minutes

11/2/2020 1:39 pm

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 – 6:30 EDT




Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions, Meet and Greet Breakouts

  • Board and directors introduced themselves. Karen McLaughlin introduced herself as the new PTA SAR representative. Amy Browne introduced herself as the new teacher representative.
  • Reviewed shared National PTA goals: Advocacy, Education, Building Community.
  • Breakout rooms did not work, but members shared name, how they are connected to the Lyndon, and their favorite Halloween costumes.


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June 2020 PTA Meeting Minutes

10/13/2020 4:25 pm

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

Meeting Minutes

Via Zoom

June 3, 2020



  1. Welcome, Meeting Overview
  • Introductions of the PTA Board and Mrs. Tunney


  1. To-Do List for School Year 2020/21
  • Samantha asked participants to use the chat feature to share ideas for the next year. What can the PTA do?
    • Get more parents involved. How can we accomplish that if we are virtual in the fall?  It will require creativity.
    • Can the PTA continue to offer a virtual option to participate in meetings even if the students return to in-person learning?
    • Increase upper school parent participation.


  • Meeting Minutes
  • Motion to approve the March 2020 meeting minutes. Motion passed.
  • Motion to approve the May 2020 meeting minutes. Motion passed.


  1. Accomplishments
  • Teacher appreciation week – the PTA shared personal messages on social media, purchased gift cards and treated teachers to Recreo.
  • Budget meeting – the budget meeting was held to draft the 2020/21 budget.
  • Purchased IXL Software for the SAR classes. Tunney thanked the PTA and provided an update on how helpful the program has been during remote learning.


  1. Updates
  • School Site Council
    • The Lyndon made an offer to a K-2 paraprofessional and a SAR teacher
    • Ward interviewed candidates to fill instrumental and language teacher openings.
    • Last day of school will be June 22, 2020.


  • City Wide Parent Council (Steve Lewis)
    • The Superintendent participated in the last CPC meeting and provided the following updates:
      • high school redesign plan: it will take all of next year and will be implemented in 21/22. It coincides with closing stand-alone middle schools;
      • All fifth graders are eligible for the exam school initiative;
      • Summer learning letter will be issued soon;
      • In response to questions about returning to school in the fall, she indicated that there are a lot of boxes to check before students can return to the buildings;
      • She would like to host more regional meetings throughout the district;
      • Fundraising: she views the ban on individual school fundraising as a positive thing and intends to keep it in place. She acknowledged that she cannot control independent 501(c)(3) organizations.


  • Friends of the Lyndon:
    • Discussed the status of Dreambox and its increased use as part of the math curriculum. If it is being widely used and relied upon, can we request that the district pick up the cost?
    • All funding requests have been put on hold until we are back in the building and the items can be used.


  • Room Parents
    • Teacher gifts: the consensus is that is not an appropriate time to request money/donations for teacher gifts. We do not want to put parents in an uncomfortable position give how difficult this time period is.


  • Wellness
    • Discussed the possibility of a bicycle safety program to be held during gym class or regular class time.


  1. Treasurer’s Report (Fran Guardabascio)
  • Discussed full-year forecast
  • Vote on 20/21 budget
    • Motion to approve the 2020/21 budget – motion passed.


  • Elections
  • Nominees for 2020/21 PTA Board:
    • President: Samantha Lewis
    • Vice President: Lee Rushton
    • Treasurer: Ed Greenaway
    • Secretary: open
    • Nominations were made; motion to approve the nominations; motion passed.


  • Nomination for CPC
    • Steve Lewis
    • Nomination made; motion to approve nomination; motion passed.





  • Thank you Volunteers


  • Leadership needs next year:
    • Bylaw committee
    • Welcome Back Event
    • Book Fair
    • Square1 Art
    • Spell check
    • Kindness week
    • Teacher appreciation week


  • Spirit Week: a conversation was held regarding whether the lower school can be included in the celebration of spirit week.


Motion to adjourn.  Motion passed.



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May 2020 PTA Meeting Minutes

6/3/2020 5:07 pm

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2020

Zoom Conference



  1. Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Overview:
  • Samantha introduced the PTA Board and Management Team
  • Reviewed the meeting agenda.


  1. Elections:
  • Board elections will be held at the June meeting and nominations are open.
  • Open positions include vice president, treasurer and secretary.
  • Reach out to the current board if you have any questions or interest.


  • Teacher Appreciation Week:
  • Samantha asked the participants to use the chat function to share one note of thanks for the teachers and staff. The PTA will share the notes on Facebook and through emails to the teachers.


  1. Meeting Minutes
  • The vote on the March meeting minutes is on hold as they are still unavailable.
  • Motion made to approve April meeting minutes.  Motion approved.


  1. Accomplishments:
  • The PTA “idea-a-day” blog to help parents find ideas for your kids during remote learning. Consider checking out the ideas including the Traffic Light Exercise which provides a way to speak to kids about how they are feeling.
  • Teacher appreciation gift cards were distributed and the PTA sponsored a weekend of free coffee for teachers at Recreo.
  • Massachusetts PTA Carol Woodbury Leadership Award for 2019/20 was awarded to the Lyndon’s very own Debbie Brendemuehl. Congratulations, Debbie.  Well deserved.


  1. Updates:
  • SSC: Katie provided an update:
    • Hiring personnel subcommittee was created. School is hiring a K2 para professional, ESL support para, instrumental music teacher, and foreign language teacher.
  • CPC: Steve provided an update:
    • First meeting was held, but not much was done. It was an opportunity to vent.
    • Parents are encouraged to use the Parents Hotline if your children are experiencing any issues at all including food service, online learning issues, etc.
    • The Department of Education received a federal grant to provide an EBT card to every child that qualifies for free/reduced lunch.
    • No information has been released regarding extended summer learning.


  • FOTL: Joy provided an update:
    • Most everything is put on hold.
    • Dreambox: last year FOTL negotiated a three-year contract at a reduced price, which includes summers.
    • FOTL is unsure whether the fall fundraiser will go forward and is taking it day-by-day.
  • Room Parents Update: Stef provided an update
    • Encouraged room parents to encourage families to reach out individually to teachers.
    • Reported that some classes made joint cards, videos, and slide shows.
    • Thank you to the room parents for coming up with great ideas to show appreciation to the teachers.


  • Wellness Committee: No update
  • Caring Committee: No update


  • Treasurer’s Report:
  • Fran provided the latest financials, the full year forecast and an early look at the 20/21 Budget.
  • The Board is anticipating challenges next year and encouraged members to participate in the budget meeting in two weeks.
  • 1st half of the year was great
    • Income = $58,497
    • Expenses = $40,569
    • Ending Cash = $40,033


  • Red Sox Ticket update:
    • 3 options: take a refund, exchange for a later date (better game) or leave credit for next year.


  • Management Team Update
  • Ward thanked the PTA for continuing to move forward.
  • From the District level – a lot of decisions are on hold. Phase 2 is being implemented and includes:
    • Schedule
    • Attendance
    • Accountability, but with considerations for what is going on in each household.
  • Katie reminded the group that each class has at least 22 students all of whom are dealing with different issues and challenges and encouraged everyone to be understanding of everyone’s circumstances.
  • Last day of school has not been announced.
  • The management team has not heard anything about school starting early in the fall. The only planning beyond this school year is for summer school.
  • Katie responded to a question about the Lyndon being identified as a low performing school. Katie explained that the evaluation reviewed attendance and standardized testing.  The evaluation showed a low performing subgroup in the 3rd through 8th grade Black/African American subgroup.  The Lyndon needs better growth in this population.  There is a team of teachers working with the Central Office to develop a plan to improve academic and social emotional growth.
  • An equity roundtable was created to consider how the Lyndon can better serve Tier II and Tier III students right now (during closure).


  1. Upcoming Events
  • Lyndon Red Sox Game on 4/5 was cancelled. We are waiting for information from the Red Sox.
  • April bowling event: this will likely be moved to the summer.
  • Spring Book Fair was cancelled.
  • PNO Trivia was cancelled.
  • One Boston Day is April 15th – stay tuned for information/ideas.
  • Teacher Appreciation Week is the week of May 4th (first week back to school)
  • May 6th is Walk to School Day: if school is not back in session or social distancing is still in place, we will try to come up with a way to engage students.
  • Next PTA meeting is on May 6th (may be virtual again)


  1. Updates
  • June 3rd is the next virtual PTA meeting and Board elections.
  • The PTA is considering a Lyndon community event when the present restrictions are lifted.


Motion to adjourn. Motion passed.

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March 2020 PTA Meeting Minutes

6/3/2020 5:05 pm

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

Meeting Minutes - March 4, 2020


  1. Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Overview:
  • Samantha introduced the PTA Board and Management Team
  • Reviewed the meeting agenda


  1. Committee Overview:
  • Spell Check: Heather Sullivan has been the committee chair for several years and would like to hand it off to someone else
  • Book Fair: the committee chair position needs to be filled for 20/21
  • Finance Committee: the committee chair position needs to be filled for 20/21
  • Teacher Appreciation: the committee chair position needs to be filled for 20/21


  • Leadership AMA:
  • Reviewed quotes about leadership


  1. Community Activity:
  • Asked the group “What can the PTA Board answer about Leadership?”
    • What is something surprisingly fun that you found while running/leading your thing?
    • How much time and when (time of year, time of day) does each volunteer position require?
    • What role/projects are good for someone that can’t be at the school during school hours?
    • What does the finance committee entail (do I need a degree in finance)?
    • How can a leader motivate “new people” to step up and help?
    • Was the Stop & Shop savings ever set up?
    • What has been easier than you expected?
    • How many hours a week would you have to work to be on the Board?


  1. Minutes:
  • The group reviewed the February meeting minutes. Motion made to approve the minutes.  Motion passed. 


  1. Accomplishments:
  • Kindness Week:
    • Valentine’s for Veterans
    • Kind Bars for teachers
    • Kindness stickers


  • Lyndon Night @ the Y:
    • Was not well-attended
    • Relationship with the Y depends on us being excited about events and attendings.
    • We need to try to draw a bigger crowd for next time.


  • Election Day Bake Sale:
    • Held on March 3, 2020. Well-attended by voters.  We do not have the final figures yet.


  • School Wide Spelling Bee:
    • Held on February 12, 2020. Great event attended by many students.
    • Winners were: Keegan Gallagher (1st Place), Morgan Barbuto (2nd Place), Evan Nolan (3rd Place).
    • The fundraiser raised 19% more than last year.


  • Wish List
  • Let’s get ideas on the list and investigate whether they are possible.
  • New Ideas:
    • Safer internet presentation
    • New lights in the gym
  • Inactive Ideas:
    • We ran out of time to hold an assembly for Black History Month, but it remains on the list to investigate
  • Outdoor Classroom:
    • It has been cleaned up. Waiting to see what grows.  A usage survey will be circulated soon.
  • Food Drive:
    • Parent suggested doing a food drive to donate to a food bank in our neighborhood.
    • A discussion has been held regarding logistics of the food drive and getting food from the school to the food bank.
  • Terra Cycling
    • Turn recycling into cash. This might be something for the school to pursue.


  • Membership Historical Comparison


  • 2019/20: 87 families and 9 faculty joined
  • 2018/19: 61 families and 11 faculty joined
  • 2017/18: 93 families and 18 faculty joined
  • 2016/17: 86 families and 16 faculty joined


  1. Updates:
  • SSC:
    • Hired a long-term substitute for Mrs. Carey
    • Budget for the 2020/21 student-based budget
    • Teachers reported developing faculty senate to meet and monthly and discuss issues
    • Girls on the Run starting – two teams – 4th and 5th, 6th – 8th
    • No new information on the exam school entrance exam for 2020/21 year
    • Lyndon report card: scored low on meeting needs of African American students.
    • K1 Welcome is on 5/28
    • Budget – SSC approved a salary increase for the Management Team
    • 4 new positions discussed
      • K2 para-professional
      • Bowes will be a full-time gym teacher
      • 60 % foreign language teacher
      • 50% SAR teacher
    • CPC:
      • Office of Equity gave a presentation:
        • 24/7 respect. Addresses student bias behavior and other issues.  Parents can look at videos on BPS website.  Addressed in 6th grade class from 3/9 to 3/13
        • Succeed Boston: counseling for bullying. Hotline to report incidents of bullying
      • Superintendent opinion is that there should be baseline funding for every school. If the school doesn’t meet the goal, then BPS will.
      • Opinion by some is that the baseline is not high enough. Non-profit group is asking for folks to sign on to pledge to raise the baseline.
      • Elections will be held at the March CPC meeting
    • FOTL:
      • Received four teacher requests
      • Dreambox will also be provided for another two years
    • Room Parents: No update
    • Wellness Committee: No update
    • Caring Committee:
      • No new needs.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:
  • Fran provided update financials
  • Teacher raised an issue about funding for the SAR teacher budget, they likely need more.
  • Fran suggested establishing a finance committee to develop a treasurer in training.


  1. Upcoming Events
  • Parents Night Out: 3/11 from 6:30-9:30 at Distraction Brewing Co. Jimmies Café will offer snacks for sale
  • Corrib Give Back – March TBD.
  • Citywide Spelling Bee – March 21st
  • PTA Meeting – April 1st
  • Lyndon Red Sox Game – April 5th
  • April bowling event – Week of April 20th
  • Spring Book Fair – April 28th – 30th
  • PNO Trivia – May 2nd
  • Teacher Appreciation Week - May 4th
  • Walk to School Day – May 6th


Motion to adjourn. Motion passed.

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April 2020 Meeting Minutes

4/6/2020 5:12 pm

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

Meeting Minutes

April 1, 2020

Zoom Conference



  1. Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Overview:
  • Samantha introduced the PTA Board and reviewed the meeting agenda.
  • Samantha asked participants to share their ideas on things to do at-home with the kids. Ideas included
    • Watch the Atlantic Shark Conservatory on Facebook Live
    • Create checklists for kids instead of schedules
    • Take a virtual tour of a national park
    • Go running
    • Play off-the-wall
    • Take a virtual tour of rides at Disney World
    • Watch online tutorials from the Big Apple Circus


  1. Meeting Minutes:
  • The March meeting minutes should be available for review and approval at the next PTA meeting.


  • Accomplishments:
  • Parents Night Out at Distraction on Wednesday, March 11, 2020. Well-timed event as families were starting to get nervous about current events.  It was nice to get together before new restrictions were in place.
  • The PTA set up Google Hangout sessions for grades K1-5th. The links are available on the PTA website.   
  • The PTA also posts an “idea-a-day” on its blog to help parents find ideas for your kids during remote learning.


  1. Updates:
  • SSC: no update. The last meeting was cancelled.
  • CPC: Governor Baker paused all evictions through April 21st. If you are a Boston Public School Family and are facing eviction, call 617-934-xxxx.
  • Wellness Committee: No update
  • Caring Committee: No update


  1. Treasurer’s Report:
  • The budget is in line with expectations. As previously reported, the Turkey Trot and Spell Check fundraisers did very well.
  • The PTA is looking at a surplus absent a way to use the funds before the end of the school year. The Board is actively seeking ideas about how to use the funds.
  • Fran will be monitoring teacher reimbursement requests.
  • Finance committee: looking for volunteers for the committee to include possibly a candidate to serve as treasurer next year.



  1. Management Team Update
  • Katie reported that the management team is communicating with the whole school community once a week.
  • They are meeting with their grade teams and trying to help where help is needed.
  • Katie recommended using Clever to sign-in to Google Classroom because BPS tracks Clever logins.
  • The teachers, and whole school community, are working really hard to adapt to the new circumstances.
  • The management team is still trying to identify a few students/families that they can’t get in touch with or students that have not engaged in online learning.
  • Return to school: the target date remains May 4. BPS is following the guidance of the Department of Education.
  • Online work is not being graded, but teachers want to see it completed.
  • As of right now, new content will not be introduced to the students. This is per the directive of the State.  Instead teachers will continue to give students content that they are familiar with.  Teachers may try to move forward in some areas if it makes sense to do so.
  • The concern is about equitable distribution of devices – there are still some families that do not have devices or internet access.
  • Question: when will parents know if/when an assignment should be turned in?
    • This will vary depending on the teacher. Go to your child’s class page to see what is on there.
  • Go to the Lyndon Learning Page to identify additional resources.


  • Upcoming Events
  • Lyndon Red Sox Game on 4/5 was cancelled. We are waiting for information from the Red Sox.
  • April bowling event: this will likely be moved to the summer.
  • Spring Book Fair was cancelled.
  • PNO Trivia was cancelled.
  • One Boston Day is April 15th – stay tuned for information/ideas.
  • Teacher Appreciation Week is the week of May 4th (first week back to school)
  • May 6th is Walk to School Day: if school is not back in session or social distancing is still in place, we will try to come up with a way to engage students.
  • Next PTA meeting is on May 6th (may be virtual again)


  • Board Elections
  • Usually take place at the May meeting. Fran will be stepping down as Treasurer since he is moving on to a state level position.  Heather will be stepping down as Secretary.  Rachel is considering whether to remain on the Board and Sam is will to remain on as President or step down if someone else is interested in the position.
  • The elections can also take place at the June meeting as they did last year.
  • Stay tuned for more information on Board elections.


  1. Circle of Control
  • An exercise you may find helpful during this time is the Circle of Control
    • Draw three overlapping circles on a large piece of paper and identify as: (1) What I can control; (2) What I can influence; and (3) What is outside my control.
    • Write out on post-its anything that is on your mind. Any concerns, any worries, any needs.
    • Put them in the appropriate circles.
    • If there’s anything in your outer circles that you need help with, ASK! The Lyndon community can help.


Motion to adjourn. Motion passed.

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February 2020 Meeting Minutes

2/12/2020 5:16 pm

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

Meeting Minutes

February 5, 2020



  1. Welcome, Meeting Overview, Community Building Exercise:
  • Write your own conversation heart: What do you want to say to the Lyndon? Write it on the heart, share it and drop it in the box.
  • Shared heart comments: We love you Lyndon, Love to read, Love you K2, Love how much the community cares.


  1. Accomplishments:
  • December 2019 Meeting Minutes: motion to approve the December 2019 minutes; motion approved.
  • Square 1 Art: Arrived and was distributed.
  • Lyndon Gear: Arrived and was distributed. There will be another order this spring.
  • Give Back Nights:
    • Proud Mary – not as well attended as we would have liked. Look at the photos on the blog and consider coming next year!
    • Kids R Kids: more successful than last year. We are still waiting to receive the check.
  • Holiday Concert: Wonderful event; very well attended and we raised a lot of money through the raffle.
  • Spell Check: Very successful. Payments are due on 2/10.


  • Wish List Update & Outdoor Classroom Update:


Wish List: We collected ideas during the December meeting and are working toward making the ideas a reality.

  • Assembly to celebrate Black History Month
  • Use of the building:
    • Soundproofing the gym
    • Using the auditorium for movement
    • Drama class or club
  • Shoveling the playground and making sure our students have an opportunity to get outside during the winter.


This is a reminder that we want to make these ideas happen.  If you are interested in helping, let us know.


Outdoor Classroom:

  • The outdoor classroom was created in 2009.
  • Outdoor Classroom commission was created. Over the last two months, the outdoor classroom has been cleaned out and a plan is being created to revitalize the space so that it is accessible to teachers and students.
  • Launch a survey to the teachers: How have you used it in the past? How would you like to use it? What do you need to use it?
  • Ask for a commitment from the teachers to use the outdoor classroom at least once during the school year.


  1. Membership Update
  • December membership drive – very successful! 38% increase in membership.
  • Brian Cook family and guests won the 4 front row tickets to the holiday concert.


  1. Updates
  • School Site Council: Budget presentation because the budget was due to the Central Office. Board was able to see the budget and was able to ask questions about it.  Very soon the management team will be making recommendations regarding staffing.  The school is not losing any staff and is looking to add a language teacher.


  • City Wide Parent Council: met with the chief financial officer who gave a budget presentation. Talked about weighted student funding and provided additional information.  Mayor committed to $100 million in additional spending over the next 3 years.  Mayor has not yet provided any details.  With weighted student funding it works great for schools that are fully enrolled, but not for those that are not.  Minimum quality guarantee - to make sure students have what they  need as a bare minimum regardless of student numbers.


Budget tracker: can view the budget.  89% of the budget goes to the schools


School committee nominating panel: a lot of divisiveness about whether school committee should be elected.  In exchange – citizens nominating committee consisting of 13 members. CWPC plans to elect someone to sit on the nominating panel.


Zoom conferencing software purchased.  All schools can use Zoom conferencing to reach out to the rest of the community during meetings, etc.


ISEE: test is out. No details received.  Superintendent has issued an RFP for alternatives.  Interesting article in the Globe. 


  • Friends of the Lyndon: Meeting in late January. Thinking about working on a parents’ night out with the PTA.  Huge success last year.  Request session is open.  Teachers are in the process of completing funding requests for FOTL to review. Please consider attending the FOTL meeting.  It is a great opportunity to review how money is spent and what is purchased for the school.


  • Room Parents: No update


  • Wellness Committee: No update


  • Caring Committee: Trying to figure out a way to provide updates. There is a page on the PTA website designated for the Caring Committee.  Originally the committee was set up to offer time, rather than money.  The more recent requests for money were going to the committee only.  Since the scope of the committee has changed, it should be opened to a wider audience.


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  • Not much has changed. We had a very successful turkey trot.  4k over budget.  Did way better than last year.
  • Red Sox tickets were a little bit light this year, but we will have lower expenses in the spring so it will offset the budget difference.
  • Expenses: we are working on a forecast.
  • We will likely end favorable on net income.
  • We are investigating assembly opportunities.
  • Teachers should consider using the PTA business account. You can avoid paying taxes and having to submit for a reimbursement.


  • Upcoming Events
  • Lyndon at the Y: February 8th. Please sign up.  Gym from 6-7 and pool from 7-8. There is a form on the PTA website.


  • Spell Check: payments due on 2/10


  • Kindness Week: help students think about how they treat other people. We will do


  • Valentines for Veterans. Students will make Valentines that will be brought to the VA hospital.


  • Stickers for acts of kindness


  • Internet Safety: Hosted by the Y on 2/11. Please register in advance.


  • Spelling Bee:
    • School wide spelling bee is on February 12th at 10 a.m. in the auditorium
    • Winner goes to city wide spelling bee.


  • Vacation Week Fun Day:
    • Ice skating


  • Super Tuesday Bake Sale
    • There will be a sign up soon for folks willing to bake or volunteer


March 4 – PTA Meeting sponsored by K1

Parents Night out at Distraction on 3/11


Give Back Night at Corrib. Sometime in March


Lyndon Red Sox Game on 4/5.


April – Parents Night Out Trivia

  • Committees


  • Election Day Bake Sale
  • Spelling Bee: Heather Sullivan would like assistance and to pass off to another parent for next year
  • Parents Night Out: working with FOTL
  • Drop-off Brigade: Is anyone interested in assisting?


Motion to Adjourn.  Motion passed.

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December 2019 Meeting Minutes

2/4/2020 12:36 am

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

December Meeting – 12/4/2019


6:00 6:30

6:15 – 6:30

ISEE Info Session

Arrival, Mingle, Purchase Raffle Tickets

6:30 – 6:45

Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions - Sam

Community Building activity

6:45 – 7:15

Accomplishments – Sam

●        November 2019 Meeting  (approval of minutes)

●        Read for the Record

●        Square1Art

●        Lyndon Gear - Heather

●        Turkey Trot - Debbie

7:15 7:25

Membership Drive

7:25 – 7:40


●        School Site Council (SSC) Emily M

●        Citywide Parent Council (CPC) Steve

●        Friends of the Lyndon (FOTL)

●        Room Parents – Stefanie

●        Wellness – Emily C

●        Library – Nancy

7:40 – 7:45

Treasurer’s Report – Fran

7:45 – 8:00

Upcoming Events

●        Scholastic Book Fair - Dec 3, 4, 5

●        Give Back Night @ Proud Mary Dec 13, 6-8

●        Give Back Night @ Kids r Kids TBD

●        K1-5th Grade Holiday Concert - 12/20 @ 10

●        On or before Jan 17th - Spell Check (Grades 1-8)

●        Lyndon Night at the YMCA - Jan TBD

●        Parents Night Out Trivia - TBD

●        Spelling Bee (Grades 4-8) - Feb 5th

●        PTA Meeting Sponsored by K1 - Mar 4th

●        PTA Meeting Sponsored by 1st Grade - Apr 1st

●        Lyndon Red Sox Game - Apr 4th


Thank you to 5th Grade Parents for hosting our meeting! All proceeds will go to the 5th grade classes.                                                                                                         



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November 2019 Meeting Minutes

11/27/2019 12:00 am

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

November Meeting – 11/6/2019

6:15 – 6:30

Arrival, Mingle, Purchase Raffle Tickets

6:30 – 6:45

Welcome, Meeting Overview – Sam

Community Building activity 

6:45 – 6:55

Accomplishments – Sam

  • October 2019 Meeting  (approval of minutes)
  • Membership Update
  • Chipotle Fundraiser
  • Room Parent Breakfast
  • Election Day Bake Sale

6:55 – 7:05


  • School Site Council (SSC) – Kristy 
  • Citywide Parent Council (CPC) – Steve 
  • Friends of the Lyndon (FOTL) – Joy
  • Room Parents – Stefanie
  • Wellness Committee & Library 

7:05 – 7:15

Treasurer’s Report Fran

7:15 – 7:40

Upcoming Events

  • Read for the Record (11/7) Sam
  • Boston Blooms Date TBD Sam
  • Square 1 Art (Due 11/15) Sue
  • Turkey Trot (11/23) Caitlin & Deb
  • Fall Bookfair (12/3-5) Nancy

7:40 – 7:45

Lyndon Gear – Heather

7:45 – 7:50

Outdoor Classroom Update – Sam 

7:50 - 7:55

Commitee Overview & Parents Night Out Ideas – Sam

7:55 – 8:00

Upcoming Events Rachel

  • Square One Art - Now thru 11/5
  • Read for the Record 11/7
  • FOTL Silent Auction 11/7 @ 7 pm
  • Turkey Trot Sat Nov 23rd
  • Scholastic Book Fair - Dec 3, 4, 5
  • December PTA Meeting 12/4, hosted by 5th grade

Thank you to Middle School Parents for hosting our meeting! All proceeds will go to the Middle School teachers.                                                                                                         

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Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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