Interested in getting involved at a district level?
Check out these opportunites!
Citywide Parent Council
Made up entirely of current BPS parent volunteers, the Citywide Parent Council (CPC) of Boston Public Schools is the official voice of all our 38,000 families. The CPC is the umbrella organization of each of our 128 schools’ School Parent Councils (SPCs), and we are constituted by the elected representatives from each of our schools. The CPC advocates as one voice for all of our students and their families.
CPC meetings are open to all and are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month during the BPS school year, beginning in September. Meetings start at 6 pm and are currently being held on Zoom.
Learn more about the Citywide Parent Council here.
District English Learner Advisory Committee
DELAC: District English Learner Advisory Committee is a multicultural and multiethnic, parent-led committee comprised of English Learner (EL) parents and community members whose task is to provide recommendations to school and district officials in regards to programs and services provided to EL students. DELAC is the official voice of all the district's 17,000 EL families.
The Special Education Parent Advisory Council
SpEdPAC: The Special Education Parent Advisory Council works with Boston Public Schools system to ensure that children get the services and support they need to develop to their full potential. All parents are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, February 2
- Wednesday, February 5
- Friday, February 7
- Friday, February 14
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Thursday, March 27
- Wednesday, April 2
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