The Lyndon is so lucky to have an Outdoor Classroom, a space where the teachers and staff can take students outside to have lessons in nature, learn about the outdoor world, and enjoy some fresh air.
Built in 2009 as part of Boston's Schoolyard Improvement Initiative, it has served the Lyndon community for over 10 years. This space has been brought to life by a group of motivated parents who have formed the outdoor classroom committee. Some of their past work includes increasing plant varieties, adding inspiring art, and hosting fun educational events for families after school.
If you would like to join the Outdoor Classroom Commission, or have ideas for how you'd like to see your children using the space, please email
See the cleanup work from summer 2021:
If you would like to join the Outdoor Classroom Commission, or have ideas for how you'd like to see your children using the space, please email
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, February 2
- Wednesday, February 5
- Friday, February 7
- Friday, February 14
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Thursday, March 27
- Wednesday, April 2
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