October 2019 Meeting Minutes

10/30/2019 12:00 am

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

Meeting Minutes

October 2, 2018  



  1. Introductions
  • 2019/20 PTA Board
  • Management Team
  • 3rd grade team


  1. Community Building Exercise
  • The attendees broke into groups to discuss: (1) the one word that best describes the Lyndon; and (2) one goal to achieve as a community this year.
  • Outcome: most common words to describe the Lyndon include community and volunteer. One goal to achieve is to enrich the school experience of our children.


  • Meeting Minutes
  • Motion to approve the June 2019 meeting minutes. Motion passed.


  1. Accomplishments
  • Welcome back picnic: there was a great turnout with a lot of new families attending.
  • Walk to School Day: 10/2/19 was walk to school day. Immediately after school started, parents met at the YMCA to discuss safe routes to school. Sam announced that BPD is looking for a new crossing guard.
  • Membership: this is the 2nd year the PTA is completely online. Membership numbers are up from last year.  It is $12 to become a member.  If you are interested in donating in addition to the membership fee, there is a donation page on the website.
    • Membership drive raffle winners: Christina Butler, Missi Callahan, Cailtin Unger and Julie Colantonio.


  1. Updates
  • School Site Council (Lee Rushton)
    • SSC is a two-year term. The meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:30 pm
    • SSC is made up of teachers, management team and parents.
    • SSC discusses and votes on hiring, budgets, and school communications
    • There are 2 spots open for the 2019/20 SSC.
    • At the last meeting, SSC discussed new hires.


  • City Wide Parent Council (Steve Lewis)
    • CWPC is the pipeline to the District.
    • At the last CWPC meeting, the council met with the new Director of Transportation to discuss bus arrival times and communications.
    • The new Superintendent is going to neighborhoods to hear from parents. CWPC is having a meeting with the Superintendent on 11/5/19 at the Bolling Building.


  • Friends of the Lyndon (Joy Mello)
    • FOTL is a parent-run non-profit. FOTL raises as much money as possible in the fall and spends the money by June. 
    • FOTL seeks to learn what teachers need/want in their classrooms and tries to fill the gap to supply computers, curriculum, etc.
    • FOTL Silent Auction is on Nov. 7th at 7 pm at the Squeeling Pig.
    • Last year FOTL raised $25,000. Spent $24,000 in the Spring.


  • Room Parents (Stefanie Frischknecht Guerrero)
    • 2 classrooms still need room parents – Ms. Negele and Ms. Chouinard
    • This year room parents will be asked to serve SAR classes as well.


  • Fundraising update:
    • Amazon Smile – sign up when you purchase through Amazon and a percentage goes to the PTA.
    • Box Tops – Emily gave a presentation on the new system.
    • The next submission deadline is November 1st. Have clips to Emily by 10/29.


  1. Treasurer’s Report (Fran Guardabascio)
  • Fran discussed key events on the report including the Turkey Trot and Red Sox game.


  • Elections
  • City Wide Parent Council
    • Steve Lewis and Irene Daly (alternate)
  • School Site Council
    • Stefanie Frischknecht Guerrero and Erin Donaghy
  • Motion made to approve the elected officials for the next term. Motion passed.


  • Committee Overview
  • Spell check: Heather Sullivan is looking for help and will be handing-off the committee next year.
  • Square1 Art – Susan Ashe will be handing off the committee next year.


  1. Upcoming Events
  • Internet Safety Event: a discussion took place regarding the type of event that makes the most sense for our school community.
  • Turkey Trot: November 23rd - Caitlin provided an update on business sponsorships and the Super Lion sponsorship.

Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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