Welcome to the Lyndon Pta Community!

Our goal for the 2024-2025 school year is to enrich the Lyndon experience for students, families, and staff through community events, educational opportunities, classroom support and much more! Join a nationwide network of nearly 4 million parents, children, educators and community leaders working together for the benefit of youth everywhere. 


We invite you to please join us!  Your help, time, donations and commitment to our school community are greatly appreciated and what we need to make our efforts a success!



Meet the 2024-2025 Patrick Lyndon PTA Committee Members




Marisa Alvarez


Marisa is a mom to a Lyndon 3rd grader, 1st grader, and k1er. Marisa and her family joined the Lyndon in 2020, and since then she has really enjoyed the opportunities she's had to get involved in the school through the PTA.  Marisa works part time as hair stylist at local salon, enjoys walks in the city, and tending to her many house plants. 




Vice President

Michelle Bylsma



Michelle is a mom to a 3rd grader and k1er at the Lyndon, and dog mom to Isaac. Michelle has enjoyed working alongside the PTA for the last few years at the Lyndon, and is excited to officially join the board

this year. As a professional photographer she hopes to bring a focus to the arts and community here at the Lyndon. If you're looking for a coffee buddy meet her at Recreo!  





Marie Abdou



Marie is a mom to a 2nd grader and K1er and has been part of the Lyndon community since the Fall of 2020!  She is excited to join the board as treasurer and to build stronger ties within the school community.  You may catch her trying to get her steps in around Centre St, listening to audiobooks and podcasts, and doing crazy things like planning field day and coaching t-ball.  Looking forward to a great year ahead. 






Ashley Geraghty



Ashley Geraghty is excited to join the PTA board as the Secretary. As a mom to a 1st grader, she is thrilled to start giving back to the community that has given her daughter so much already! On top of being the Geraghty family manager, Ashley works in software sales and loves to cook, bake and workout.  




Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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