March 2020 PTA Meeting Minutes

6/3/2020 5:05 pm

Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School PTA

Meeting Minutes - March 4, 2020


  1. Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Overview:
  • Samantha introduced the PTA Board and Management Team
  • Reviewed the meeting agenda


  1. Committee Overview:
  • Spell Check: Heather Sullivan has been the committee chair for several years and would like to hand it off to someone else
  • Book Fair: the committee chair position needs to be filled for 20/21
  • Finance Committee: the committee chair position needs to be filled for 20/21
  • Teacher Appreciation: the committee chair position needs to be filled for 20/21


  • Leadership AMA:
  • Reviewed quotes about leadership


  1. Community Activity:
  • Asked the group “What can the PTA Board answer about Leadership?”
    • What is something surprisingly fun that you found while running/leading your thing?
    • How much time and when (time of year, time of day) does each volunteer position require?
    • What role/projects are good for someone that can’t be at the school during school hours?
    • What does the finance committee entail (do I need a degree in finance)?
    • How can a leader motivate “new people” to step up and help?
    • Was the Stop & Shop savings ever set up?
    • What has been easier than you expected?
    • How many hours a week would you have to work to be on the Board?


  1. Minutes:
  • The group reviewed the February meeting minutes. Motion made to approve the minutes.  Motion passed. 


  1. Accomplishments:
  • Kindness Week:
    • Valentine’s for Veterans
    • Kind Bars for teachers
    • Kindness stickers


  • Lyndon Night @ the Y:
    • Was not well-attended
    • Relationship with the Y depends on us being excited about events and attendings.
    • We need to try to draw a bigger crowd for next time.


  • Election Day Bake Sale:
    • Held on March 3, 2020. Well-attended by voters.  We do not have the final figures yet.


  • School Wide Spelling Bee:
    • Held on February 12, 2020. Great event attended by many students.
    • Winners were: Keegan Gallagher (1st Place), Morgan Barbuto (2nd Place), Evan Nolan (3rd Place).
    • The fundraiser raised 19% more than last year.


  • Wish List
  • Let’s get ideas on the list and investigate whether they are possible.
  • New Ideas:
    • Safer internet presentation
    • New lights in the gym
  • Inactive Ideas:
    • We ran out of time to hold an assembly for Black History Month, but it remains on the list to investigate
  • Outdoor Classroom:
    • It has been cleaned up. Waiting to see what grows.  A usage survey will be circulated soon.
  • Food Drive:
    • Parent suggested doing a food drive to donate to a food bank in our neighborhood.
    • A discussion has been held regarding logistics of the food drive and getting food from the school to the food bank.
  • Terra Cycling
    • Turn recycling into cash. This might be something for the school to pursue.


  • Membership Historical Comparison


  • 2019/20: 87 families and 9 faculty joined
  • 2018/19: 61 families and 11 faculty joined
  • 2017/18: 93 families and 18 faculty joined
  • 2016/17: 86 families and 16 faculty joined


  1. Updates:
  • SSC:
    • Hired a long-term substitute for Mrs. Carey
    • Budget for the 2020/21 student-based budget
    • Teachers reported developing faculty senate to meet and monthly and discuss issues
    • Girls on the Run starting – two teams – 4th and 5th, 6th – 8th
    • No new information on the exam school entrance exam for 2020/21 year
    • Lyndon report card: scored low on meeting needs of African American students.
    • K1 Welcome is on 5/28
    • Budget – SSC approved a salary increase for the Management Team
    • 4 new positions discussed
      • K2 para-professional
      • Bowes will be a full-time gym teacher
      • 60 % foreign language teacher
      • 50% SAR teacher
    • CPC:
      • Office of Equity gave a presentation:
        • 24/7 respect. Addresses student bias behavior and other issues.  Parents can look at videos on BPS website.  Addressed in 6th grade class from 3/9 to 3/13
        • Succeed Boston: counseling for bullying. Hotline to report incidents of bullying
      • Superintendent opinion is that there should be baseline funding for every school. If the school doesn’t meet the goal, then BPS will.
      • Opinion by some is that the baseline is not high enough. Non-profit group is asking for folks to sign on to pledge to raise the baseline.
      • Elections will be held at the March CPC meeting
    • FOTL:
      • Received four teacher requests
      • Dreambox will also be provided for another two years
    • Room Parents: No update
    • Wellness Committee: No update
    • Caring Committee:
      • No new needs.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:
  • Fran provided update financials
  • Teacher raised an issue about funding for the SAR teacher budget, they likely need more.
  • Fran suggested establishing a finance committee to develop a treasurer in training.


  1. Upcoming Events
  • Parents Night Out: 3/11 from 6:30-9:30 at Distraction Brewing Co. Jimmies Café will offer snacks for sale
  • Corrib Give Back – March TBD.
  • Citywide Spelling Bee – March 21st
  • PTA Meeting – April 1st
  • Lyndon Red Sox Game – April 5th
  • April bowling event – Week of April 20th
  • Spring Book Fair – April 28th – 30th
  • PNO Trivia – May 2nd
  • Teacher Appreciation Week - May 4th
  • Walk to School Day – May 6th


Motion to adjourn. Motion passed.

Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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