PTA Meeting Minutes: October 9, 2024 / SSC Elections
10/9/2024 9:33 pm
Meeting Minutes: October 9: SSC Elections
Meeting begin at 6:37 at the Lyndon
In attendance:
Time Weaver
Jess Grande
Natalie Fleury
Amy Browne
Michelle Morrissey
Matt McHugh
Kate Anderson
Dan Bertrand
Leila Samara
Jim Kobles
Brian Cook
Katrina Magdol
Carrie Greenway
Chris Rohrig
Nicole O’Neil
Matt Thomas
Meredith McCarthy
Blanca Burgos
Sam Lewis
Ellie Morrocco
Molly Jensen
Via Zoom:
Becca Ward
Katie Clake
Jenny Marcelin
David Fleury
Wanda Garcia
Becca Ward
Katelyn Cassidy
Rob Talevi
Steve Lewis
Christine Ventura
Laura Goodbody
Brian Taggart
Lorena Almeida
Catherine Taggart
Erin Talevi
Antonio Gomes
Mallory Rohrig
Monica Gomes
Joanna Weaver
Stephanie Roberts
Introductions were made for the board members and Lyndon Leadership
Elections began:
Call for Nominations:
**Looking for nominations for DELAC + SPEDPAC
PTA needs to confirm specifications for being this representative, suggestions were made that the SSC could attend
Confirmed Nominations:
***Citywide Parent Council:
CPC Elected: Chris Rohrig
Alternate: Steve Lewis
SSC Candidates Introduced themselves:
Carrie Greenway
Dan Bertrand
Rebecca Ward
Tim Weaver
Nominating stopped at 6:30, Voting Opened at 7. Voting was stopped and voting had to be reset. New voting link was sent to the forum for a new vote to be start at 7:10. Rob Talevi was added to the ballot as an alternate. Election was open again at 7:26, Voting closes 7:48pm.
Mrs. Brown made a presentation and requested to potentially upgrade the lockers, a letter was written to the PTA from the second graders. Requests were made to FOTL for cleaning the lockers and a request was made to BPS to remove the lockers. The solution needs to include a net new storage option for the bag storage. This is a two fold request as the lockers first need to be cleaned, then hopefully need to be replaced. A suggestion was made to possibly have CityYear potentially take on the project.
Laura Goodbody gave a room parent program update noting the program is off to a get start but Mr Grimes, Ms Jenkins + Ms Gill, Ms Doherty + Mr Whelen are still looking for room parents.
Mrs. Morrissey gave an update on drop off/ pick up traffic safety especially noting you should NOT be pulling onto the sidewalk. Many other options are available for drop off including the bike bus, scooters, parking in other locations like CVS and Walgreen.
Outdoor classroom from Stephanie Roberts, 75 students attended ecofriendly Friday. Join us 10/18 and 11/1 for upcoming ecofriendly Friday.
Upcoming PTA Events:
**PTA Mixer at 6:30 at the Elks, please RSVP
Childcare is at the Lyndon via the YMCA
**Book Fair is on Oct 21 - 25th
**Read for the Record is on Thursday, Oct 24th
Looking for volunteers to read and make a craft, this is a 45 mins commitment
**Lyndon Family Photo Day
Still some available times
**Bake Sale Volunteers
Bake, Volunteer your time
**Turkey Trot
Neighborhood business typically sponsor the trot, we are looking for volunteers and help in all aspects of the trot
Treasury Update:
Audit Commit is currently viewing the budget
Grants were submitted for STEM funding, Grants for the bike racks
Be sure to join the PTA
Review of the September Expenses
FOTL Update:
Cornhole night is 11/21
SSC Updates:
Review the committees which included: Personnel, Budget, Beautification, Team Lyndon, Evaluation, Equity Round Table
PTA Mixer Party Planning, We need some help:
Share the work of the PTA, build connections in the community and network.
A Passport will be issued for parents to learn about the PTA will win the raffle price
Setup will begin at 4:30
YMCA childcare goes till 9pm and they are here to support us, please sign up before!!!
Elections were confirmed:
Carrie Greenway:28
Dan Bertrand: 25
Rebecca Ward:29
Time Weaver: 29
Rob Talevi: 11
Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, February 2
- Wednesday, February 5
- Friday, February 7
- Friday, February 14
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Thursday, March 27
- Wednesday, April 2
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