March Meeting Minutes

4/3/2024 5:56 pm

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 – 6:30 EDT
Present: Marisa Alverez (President), Danielle Collin (Secretary), Jessica Grande
Other in-person attendees: Michelle Morrissory (co-leader) Chris Audette (co-leader),
Leaila Samara, Jen Hardy, Sam Lewis, Michelle Bylsma, Nicole ONeil, Kelly Lepley,
Steve Lewis
Zoom attendees: Kristin Femino, Bonnie Carey, Kate Anderson, Anne Essaran, Laura
Goodbody, Karen Lee, Stephanie Roberts, Joanna
Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions, Minutes Approval, PTA Recaps & Updates,
CPC, DELAC, and SpEdPAC updates, SSC, FOTL Updates, International Night &
Questions, Suggestions, Save the Date, Adjourn
Approve February Minutes - No discussion, minutes approved.
PTA Focus: Bringing community together.
● CORI Checks: Please make sure to do all paperwork for your CORI check 2
weeks prior to volunteering in the school - this includes bringing your ID to Ms.
Barefoot before your scheduled volunteer day.
● Building Procedures for Volunteers: Be sure to always sign in at front desk
and grab a visitor sticker to wear visibly while in the building.
● Meeting/Events childcare: Drop off in the cafeteria. Children will be onsite at
the Lyndon, for gym time, arts and crafts, and board games. Questions? email:
● Lost & Found: All lost and found items were donated over February break.
Remind your children to continue to check items
Stem Night Recap - Successful first event!
Lyndon Family Flow - March 20th, 6-7pm
Part of no screens week, for parents/guardians and children!

Diane Kavanagh a 200hr YTT graduate from Boston Yoga Union, certified in Children’s
Yoga, Restorative and Yin

Academic Enrichment
● Mass Audubon Educational Programs
○ K1 February 8
○ April 22 4th grade Trailside Museum Field trip
○ April 29 2nd grade Trailside Museum Field Trip
● Planetarium: March 25!

Box Tops
● Goal: $1,000
● Current: $170.50
● Leaderboard: 5th Grade
● Referral Code: E2PN8RFB

Lyndon Night at Fenway Park
We have sold 298 tickets!! We are sold out of our original 282 + the additional row of 26
(reserving 10 for giving away)

Dance Choreography
1st - Stella Chen
1st - Sedona Ma
1st - Bailey Ma
Film Production
1st - Louisa Magdol
1st - Desmond Lewis
1st - Zinnia Lewis
2nd - Nathan Freedman
3rd - Jack Donovan

1st - Desmond Lewis
2nd - Victoria Neal
3rd - Anatoli Mantis
Music Composition
1st - Phoenix Padgett
Visual Arts
1st - Zinnia Lewis
2nd - Thomas Schiarizzi
3rd - Evan Estrada
1st - James Wong
2nd - Phoenix Padgett
3rd - Nora Duane
Lyndon Reflections Showcase tentative for April or May.
First place winners have moved on to the Massachusetts state PTA competition and, if
chosen, will be honored at the Mass PTA annual meeting on April 6th in Lexington
Outdoor Classroom
Volunteer opportunities
- Spring Eco-Friendly Fridays (April 5th, May 17th, June 7th)
- Projects for parents?
- Room parents - remember the OC!
- Details of new projects forthcoming (e.g. seedling sale, community partnerships,
upper school art installation)
- Look out for daffodils this spring!
We Need Your Help!
● Co/Vice chairs for Room Parent program
● Building up two committees:
○ Finance Committee

○ Academic Enrichment Committee
● Turkey Trot
● 2024-2025 Board positions; Treasure, Secretary
● Field Day planning

Treasury Updates
● Please continue to submit receipts.
● Finance Committee
● Year to date review - - as of 3/4

2023 - 2024 Budget Update
● Bake Sale - $3,095
● Fall Book Fair - $3,912
● Spring Book Fair -
● Box Tops - $200
● Photo Day - $3,022.00
● Community/Retail (Kids R Kids) - TBD
● Donations - $297
● Helpsy - $37
● Lydon Gear - $6,435
● Membership - $818
● Red Sox Tickets - $11,633
● Spell Check - $2,826
● Square 1 Art - $1,835
● STEM Grant - $1,250
● Turkey Trot - $19,152
Projected: $47,400 // Actual: $53,272
2023 - 2024 Expenses
● Academic Enrichment - ($4,179)
● Admin Supplies - ($828)
● Art & Music - ($2,034)
● Community Building - ($1,803)
● CC Processing Fees - ($1,135)
● Insurance - ($530)

● Lunch & Playground Equipment - ($500)
● Lyndon Gear - ($6,335)
● Membership Expense - ($146)
● Outdoor Classroom - ($615)
● Photo Day - ($1,950)
● Read for the Record - ($286)
● Red Sox Tickets - ($9,024)
● Reflections - ($60)
● Room Parent Program - ($235)
● Spelling Bee - ($170)
● STEM Fair - ($1,174)
● Teacher Grants - ($2,076)
● Turkey Trot - ($3,957)
● Wellness - ($79)
Projected: $60,175 // Actual: $31,913
Net Cash: ($12,775) // $21,358
Fundraiser Analysis
Where we receive most of our funds
- Turkey Trot - 46%
- Spell Check - 9%
- Square 1 Art - 5%
- Bake Sale - 10%

Lyndon SSC Governance Board
● Listening Session Friday from 9-10am
● Teacher Survey Results posted in peek
● Parent Survey on Looping will be sent out tomorrow, Mar 7
Upcoming Meetings:
2nd Thursday of the Month from 6-7:30 pm
● Mar 14 – looping data presentation, safe entry protocols presentation
● Apr 11 –
● May 9 – SY24-25 QSP presentation and approval
● Jun 13 –

Save the date: Spring Auction - May 2nd @ The Elks
● FOTL has funded $13k this year
● Currently working on robotics and middle school play funding
● Save the date: Screen Free Week restaurant fundraisers
○ 3/18 @ West on Centre
○ 3/22 @ Bertucci’s
● Burn Boot Camp Fundraiser - Attend a class on Friday 22nd, will give back $5
● SAVE THE DATE: 5/2 Auction
○ We need auction items donated!
○ We need auction help! email us to volunteer (pick up donations, assemble
baskets, help the night of)
● T-shirts for sale! Limited supply of green and lyndon lion t-shirts!
● Please email us
● JOIN US! Next meeting: Monday 3/20, 7:30pm at school

● The CPC voted to amend the bylaws, to clarify certain leadership roles, and to
add a co-chair position to help with communication.
● Next CPC meeting is 3/26 at 6PM on zoom

DELAC Updates
● JPAC met Monday with the Boston Teachers Union to address BPS school
meetings (ssc, cpc, SpEdPac, DELAC)
● JPAC met Sunday to work on meeting norms
● DELAC and CPC met with Magaly Sanchez the Chief Family Advancement
Officer - Advocating to work with Family Liaisons and get contact information for
all Family Liaisons and the schools that have DELAC and their representatives
● Upcoming quarterly meetings with Superintendent Skipper and the JPAC, date
● On going meeting with Teresa Martinez, the new Multilingual Learner and
Community Outreach Director, to see how we can better assist EL families by
bringing to them topics that are relevant to their needs.
● Next DELAC meeting is 3/12/24 6:00-8:00pm with topics on College and career
planning and high school choices for EL families. Email invitations will go out to
all BPS families.

SpEdPAC Updates
● Parent Rob Televi has volunteered to be the Lyndon representative for
● At the last meeting on January 25, the topic was Family & Guardian Rights in
Special Education.
● Watch the Meetings on YouTube!
Tuesday March 19th, 5-7pm - In the Auditorium
A night to showcase culture, food, and artistic expression from the multitude of
nationalities and ethnicities that are part of our Lyndon community.
Countries being represented thus far (and on going)
● San Marino - small country inside Italy
● Dominican Republic
● Lebanon or maybe Norway
● Haiti

● Ireland
● Germany
● Albania
● Greece
VOLUNTEERS - We are looking for the following:
- Families to bring food from their culture
- Dance, music, or other performances by students or families
- Information and fun facts from different countries
- Help with Set up/clean up
- Help finding food or other items we may need for the event
March 8th - School wide Spelling Bee
March 14th - SSC Meeting
March 18th - West on Centre FOTL fundraiser
March 19th 6:00-7:30- International Night
March 20th - Family Yoga Flow
March 22nd - Bertucci's FOTL fundraiser
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Danielle Collin

Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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