December 2023 Meeting Minutes

2/7/2024 5:41 pm



Wednesday, December 6, 2023 – 6:30 EDT


Present: Ryan Kelly (Vice-President), Jessica Grande (Treasurer), Marisa Alverez (President), Danielle Collin (Secretary)


Other in-person attendees: Leila Samara, Carrie Greenaway, Michelle Morrisorry (co-leader),Chris Audette (co-leader),Sam Lewis, Maura O’Toole (librarian), Dan Hudson (neighborhood liaison), Laura Goodbody, Jen Hardy, Joanna Weaver, Kate Anderson


Zoom attendees: Steve Lewis, Blanca Burgos,


Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions, Minutes Approval, PTA Recaps & Updates, CPC, DELAC, and SpEdPAC updates, SSC, FOTL Updates, Library Information Session!, Upcoming Events, Adjourn


Approve November Minutes - No discussion, minutes approved

PTA Presents BPS & BPL Library Resources

  • Marura speaks introduces Liz Smith from BPL, generalist librarian
  • Liz Smith provides handouts on BPL online resources including streaming, audio books, Additional handouts on museum passes, friends group, Friday craft day. Discuss book club nights.
  • 3 Providers of resources; MBLC, BPL, BPS Libraries
  • Discuss eligibility for library cards and online resources
  • Discuss clever backpack, SORA ebooks & audiobooks, (Use your students BPS gmail & PW login)
  • All classes have a set library time
  • Library Book Selections - contact her if you are unhappy with the child's choice.
  • New shelving coming soon for the library. Volunteer opportunities coming in the new year to assist in new setup of library.

*Maura to share slides with parents.










  • CORI Checks: Please make sure to do all paperwork for your CORI check 2 weeks prior to volunteering in the school - this includes bringing your ID to Ms. Barefoot before your scheduled volunteer day.
  • Building Procedures for Volunteers: Be sure to always sign in at front desk and grab a visitor sticker to wear visibly while in the building.
  • Meeting/Events childcare: Drop off in the cafeteria. Children will be onsite at the Lyndon, for gym time, arts and crafts, and board games. Questions? email:


  • Stop- Drop And Go
  • For Safety, Kids Must Exit Vehicles On School Side
  • Please Don’t Block Neighbors Driveways Or Traffic
  • The Crossing Guards Are Here For The Safety Of All Families- Please Respect Their Instructions
  • Pta Traffic Safety Brigade: Volunteers Needed Daily From 9:10-9:30


2023 Parkway Turkey Trot
Final Numbers: A record breaking year


  • Total Runners: 288
  • $13,400 from 33 Business Sponsors
  • Total NET Revenue of >$19,000!!


Outdoor Classroom Updates:


  • Ms. Postma-Kiley has volunteered as our staff lead
  • BPS Outdoor Teaching and Learning office is providing us with 2 folding tables and an

additional picnic table

  • Will be presenting the Eco-Friendly Fridays as a model for other schools to BPS' Outdoor Teaching and Learning Champions Session, in January


Lyndon Gear

  • Lyndon Gear has closed for the fall.
  • Missed the deadline?
  • Be on the lookout for specific sizes and styles available in the coming weeks.
  • New gear to come in the spring!
  • Questions/concerns email:


Photo Days - Family photo days were a great success! Thank you to Parents Steve Lewis & Michelle Bylsma!





Square One Art

  • We reached our goal for the S1A fundraiser!
  • Total of 287 Items Ordered
  • $5,280.80 Net Sales
  • Projected earnings ~$1,700
  • Thank you to Anne for all your hard work!

Box Tops

  • Goal: $1,000
  • Current: $85.80
  • Leaderboard: 5th Grade
  • Referral Code: E2PN8RFB



Academic Enrichment

  • Mass Audubon Educational Programs
    • ○ Ongoing enrollment
  • Planetarium: March 25!
  • STEM Fair: date tbd
    • ○ Recipient of the National PTA’s STEM + Families Science Festival, Sponsored by Bayer Fund for $1,250


PTA Reflections

This years Theme: I am Hopeful Because

Categories Include:

  • Film Production
  • Music Composition
  • Visual Arts
  • Dance Choreography
  • Literature
  • Photography

Art submissions due 1/19/2024

Take home Tuesday on the 12th

Looking for volunteer judges for Dance choreography and music composition.


Kids R Kids Give back weeks - Now through Friday December 15th







Treasury Updates - December 2023 Income - Updates

  • Amazing Turkey Trot!
  • $1,755: Bake Sale
  • ~$5,800: Lyndon Gear


  • Square 1 Art
  • Community/Retail


December 2023 *New* Expenses

  • $3,575 Lyndon Gear
  • $565 Mass Audubon for Grade 5
  • $505 Teacher Reimbursements
  • $229 Art and Music (mural)
  • $170 PTA Dues
  • $42 Room Parent Program
  • 2022-2023 Audit almost complete - due 11/15/23- DONE
  • Will submit MA PTA Membership dues by 11/3/23 - DONE
  • 2022-2023 Federal Taxes - DONE
  • 2022-2023 MA Taxes - Due by February 2024
  • Please continue to submit receipts.


2023 - 2024 PTA Goals

Focus: Bringing the Community Together
What are your goals for your role as a Lyndon parent/guardian this year?
Let us know how we can help!


CPC Updates

District and School Wellness Council Presentation:

  • 8 Policy Areas (Cultural Proficiency, Food & Nutrition, Phys Ed and Activity, Health Education, Healthy Environment, Safe and Supportive, Health Services, and Staff Wellness)
  • School councils must meet 4 times per year, though monthly meetings are recommended.
  • Review wellness policies in the 8 areas
  • Complete an assessment of their school health environment
  • Write a Wellness Action plan based on the assessment. The plan is a required component of the Quality School Improvement Plan, and then should be shared on school website (sample plan to the right).



  • The BTU offers Homework Help at a number of Boston Public Libraries, included the West Roxbury Library on Mondays, and The Roslindale Library on Thursdays, from 4pm-6pm
  • Also free tutoring from Boston Partners in Education. Goto


Next CPC meeting 12/12, 6-8pm on zoom.



DELAC Updates

  • DELAC is fully staffed now, and have been meeting with other groups to work on the Inclusion plan of BPS.
  • Meeting with DESE tomorrow morning Thursday, Dec.7, on the Inclusion Plan.
  • Started meeting with Teresa Martinez, the new Multilingual Learner and Community Outreach Director at BPS to see how we can better assist EL families by bringing to them topics that are relevant to their needs. Those meetings include all executive teams of EL, SPED and CPC.


Parent Rob Televi has volunteered to be the Lyndon representative for SpEdPAC

Save the date: Spring Auction - We will be soliciting help with that in the new year!
Thanks again to everyone who came to corn hole - we have been able to fund some great projects for the school such as the character trait keychains


JOIN US! - Meetings - 3rd Wednesday of the month @7:30pm

Instagram: lyndonfriends
Facebook: Friends of the Lyndon

SSC Updates

Officer Election Results:

  • Katie Clarke is our new communications liaison
  • Chris Rohrig is the clerk
  • Nicole O’Neil was re-elected as chair for her second and final term







SSC Committee Updates:

All of the committees have met at least once (with the exception of the Evaluation Committee - waiting on word from the Superintendents).

  • Facilities - did a walk through, made a list of facilities needs, prioritized needs
  • Lyndon NEXT - Met today, updates coming soon!
  • Budget & Personnel - Working on an updated draft of the EWA, will disseminate to staff for feedback this week

Running SSC meeting notes can be found at this link:


Website: Chris Audette, Chris Rohrig, and Blanca Burgos are busy updating the school website.


Attendance: Attendance at the Lyndon is very high this year, we have the second highest attendance rate in our region!! (94.9%) This is a huge testament to the positive culture the staff has created this year.


Thank You to our Librarians!
If you would like to support out Lyndon Library please visit Ms. O’Toole’s amazon wishlist to donate items needed for our Library and Makerspace.

Upcoming Events
Dec. 19th
- Holiday Concert
Jan 19th - Reflections submissions open
Feb. 1st - Reflections Submissions close
Early February - Spelling Bee and Spell Check fundraiser

Meeting adjourned. 

Minutes submitted by Danielle Collin


Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


(click to follow)




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