April 2023 Meeting Minutes
5/1/2023 7:13 am
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 – 6:30 EDT
Present: Leila Samara (Vice-President), Jessica Williamson (Secretary), Jessica Grande (Treasurer), Maya Dias (President)
Other in-person attendees: Catherine Carney, Blanca Burgos, Mr. Colby,
Zoom attendees: Jenny Marcelin, Ryan, Joanna, Aimee, Lorena Almeida, Aime Lima Mavridis
Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions
- Maya welcomed everyone to the meeting
- Introduction of Blanca Burgos, Family Liaison - reminding all who to reach out to her if needed
Minutes Approval
- Approval of the February 2023 meeting minutes could not take place at the March meeting because there was no WIFI
- Both February and March minutes were reviewed (also via zoom)
- Minutes were approved
Elections for 2023-24
- We are looking for new officers - the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary will be vacant for the start of the school year
- President Maya and Vice President Leila are finishing their two-year terms.
- To vote for officers you must be live in-person at the meeting or live on zoom
- Please note that running
Update from Mr. Colby, Music teacher about the Lyndon Arts Program
Unfortunately, Ms. Sallen couldn’t make it due to a family illness
- Mr. Colby’s background; he grew up in a small town in NH, he came to Boston to go to the Conservatory
- He raised his kids in Roslindale/West Roxbury
- First job was at the Lyndon, left to teach High School at the Boston Arts Academy where he taught for 10 years and then returned
- THeir vision: Create an opportunity for students to chose an arts discipline and avenue to be able to express them
- By 6th grade, they have multiple arts sessions per week
- Up through
- Third graders would be learning recorders, fourth graders learn ukeleles, fifth graders start a band instrument so that they will have some kind of portfolio when they leave the school
- The foundational music curriculum that kids get at the Lyndon makes them competitive for the exam schools, or private schools
- Goal is to create a program where kids can put their shoulder in their art and creativity and find their voice, and open doors for their futures
Presentation from Nicole, SCC Chairperson
- School Site Council is very new this year. It was uncovered that there weren’t the current number of seats on the SSC
- Brian Cook (a lawyer on the SCC) drafted new bylaws that are specific to our school
- These new bylaws are important to ensure that we are in compliance
- Next step is to vote on the new draft - we must get ⅔ approval to be adopted
Approval process - bylaws were approved, one abstention
Accomplishments & Upcoming Events
- Thanks for the
- Spring Scholastic Book Fair will be April 24-28
- We always sponsor to buy books for any student who can’t afford
- We are still looking for volunteers - the link is on the PTA website
- Walk-A-Marathon, April 10 - 14 in honor of the Boston Marathon
- Friends of the Lyndon Event is May 4th!
- Outdoor Classroom Committee next event is on May 19th
- Lyndon Lunch and Recess Monitors - we are always looking for volunteers
- Square 1 Update
- Thanks to all who participated. We rai
- Goal was $4000 and we hit $5900, we make about 33% so Lyndon should get about $2000
Treasurer’s Report
- $280 from Kids for Kids (community
- First Yard Sale raised $1367 (our goal was $1000)
- Spellcheck - $4200 (goal was $5000) but good feedback from kids and parents
- We have funding for teacher grants!
- Suggested that we make a June 1 deadline
- Ms. Carney will send a reminder to teachers to apply - we’d like to use the money we raise!
- Overall financially we’re in a good position and it’s been “harder” to spend the money than we’d like.
- Suggestion to form a committee to figure out ways to spend the funding, but also tell people where their donations are going
- How about bringing after-school clubs like Robotics, Audubon Society
SSC Updates
- Hiring committee is busy. We have open positions for Sciences, SAR Teacher, Strand and Inclusion Specialist, and Instructional Coach positions
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Jessica Williamson
Upcoming Events
- Sunday, February 2
- Wednesday, February 5
- Friday, February 7
- Friday, February 14
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Thursday, March 27
- Wednesday, April 2
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