October 2022 Meeting Minutes

12/5/2022 10:44 pm



 Wednesday, October 12, 2022 – 6:30 EDT


 Present:  Maya Dias (President), Leila Samara (Vice-President), Jessica Williamson (Secretary), Jessica Grande (Treasurer)

 Other in-person attendees: Catherine Carney (Management Team), Blanca Burgos (Family Liaison), Kevin McCaskill (interim Management), Amy Browne (lower school rep), Samantha Lewis, Chris Rohrig, Nicole O’Neil, Carrie Greenaway, Joanna Weaver, Marisa Aharaz, Megan Bernazzani, Kelly Lepley, Jill Grady, Katrina Magdol, Brian Cook, Devaki Perryman, Natalie Fleury, Lauren Myers, Rob Talevi, Rose O’Connor, Stefanie Frischknecht, Pam Foster, Angel Maldonado Lopez, Sarah Parker, Alfonso Pruneda, Anne Essaran, Molly Jansen. 

Zoom attendees: Millie Doko, Cynthia Hamilton, Kristi Lucks, Loren Almeida, Angela Glaska, Chritsine Venturea, Jenny Narcelinm Rachel Linso, Dan Murphy, Karen Lee, Meaghan Lydon, Jennifer Misiaszek, Jane Kelly, Karen McLaughlin, Jessica Hegerich, Mallory Rohrig, Danaille Collin, Michelle Mclaughlin, Kate O’Leary, Georgia Murphy , Matthew N. Smith, Jen McManus, Kristen Bottema-Beutel, Stephanie Roberts, Angelie Dy-Reyes, Colleen Leger, Ryan Kelly Cara Tuttle, Katie Hickey, Bridget and John Ging, Ryan Fox, Kajahl Fitzgerald 


Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions 6:30pm - 6:50pm

  • Maya welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those on zoom. 
  • Today’s meeting is primarily about the vote for the Student Site Council. Reminder that one does not need to be a member of the PTA to vote, but must be in-person or on zoom to vote. Voting will be closed around 7:45pm 

Minutes Approval, Essentials

  • A MOTION to approve the September meeting minutes was approved. The Minutes will be posted to the PTA website. 
  • Overview of parent representative positions for SSC, CPC, SpEdPAC and DELAC given. 


  • Question whether there will be designated teacher reps to the PTA as we have in the past? Maya confirmed that PTA Teacher Reps have been requested
  • Encouraged participation in all PTA and other representative positions 

Update SSC

  • Statement that there was some  confusion between the current by-law about the number of SSC parent / teacher positions. The pattern was 7 parent positions, 7 teacher positions, plus the management team had 1 vote for a total 15 voting members. Additionally, parents have 1 alternative and teachers have 1 alternate. Clarification from Drew Eccleston. 
  • Current teachers on SSC: Sarah Naughton, Megan Boffa, Travis Nupp, Maura O’Toole, Julia Negle, Laura Bujold, Mr. Colby (alternate)
  • Earlier understanding was that there was a tie-breaking vote by the Head of School. Maya states that there is no “tie breaker” vote, and if there is a tie, it should be decided by consensus. 
    • Our model is different because of a co-leader model which was why they shared 1 vote.



  • Sarah Henderson already attends SpEDPAC meetings and nominates herself. 



  • Launched in the school year of 2015/16. Jenny Marcelin has put herself forward for the DELAC nominee. She states that as a non-native English speaker herself and thinks that perspective will be helpful. 


Citywide Parent Council

  • Matthew Smith nominates himself as the Rep. He provides background as a parent of 2 Lyndon children. Maya states we are also seeking a CPC Alternate. 


Student Site Council


  • The following individuals nominated themselves in person: Megan Bernazzani, Brian Cook, Alfonso Pruneda Fuentes, Jill Grady, Nicole O’Neil, Chris Rohrig, Rob Talevi
  • Frank Galvin is nominated via zoom. 
  • Lauren Meyers withdrew her nomination in person. 
  • The current SSC governing structure document was not shared until September 2022
  • Katrina: motion to elect 6 and 2 alternates then the new SSC can be charged with resolving the discrepancy. Maya: solution top 6 get elected 
  • Final Decision: vote for 7 of the 8 SSC Candidates. 


  • Thanks to those who helped clean up after the vandalism on the play ground which was covered in eggs, including John Ventura, Ann Essaran, Paul the custodian.
  • Turkey Trot is on November 19th (the Saturday before Thanksgiving). Carrie Greenaway: we’re back again, it was a fabulous day in 2021, we made $17,500, this year we are raising our goal to $19,000. Any kid can come and participate - it’s not limited to just Lyndon kids. It’s open to the Parkway community.  $250 sponsorship gets a Heat sponsored. 
  • Book Fair, October 24 - 28. We need volunteers.
  • Read for the Record, October 27 - Sam Lewis is the Lead. The goal is to get as many people possible reading the same book at the same time together. Volunteers needed. 
  • Clean up Day, October 23 - there’s a lot of rusted, rotted metal, etc clean up needed we have a dumpster coming, the goal is to clean out as much junk as possible, we’ll try to keep what’s usable but donate, recycle the rest. 
  • Parents Night Out - Friends of the Lyndon, Cornhole Tournament November 17th, 6pm. Please sign up so we know how much childcare at the Y we need.
  • Drop-off/Traffic safety reminders .


Voting closed at 8:14pm 


  • Matthew Smith will be CPC Candidate and Cait Lozano has volunteered to be CPC as the alternate. 
  • Sarah Henderson will be SpEDPAC Candidate. 
  • Jenny Marcelin will be the DELAC Candidate. 
  • Results of SSC:
    • Megan Bernazzani - 89 votes
    • Jill Grady - 85 votes
    • Alfonso Prudeda - 81 votes
    • Nciole O’Neil - 77 votes
    • Brian Cook - 76 votes
    • Chris Rohrig - 76 votes
    • Rob Talevi - 66 votes
    • Frank Galvin - 54 votes


  • Maya reminded all that the current SSC voting process does not follow current state guidelines.
  • Julie Ma stated that the people who were voted this evening are now the current SSC Board. The former Board is no longer. 


Meeting adjourned.  

Minutes submitted by Jessica Williamson

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