PTA Meeting Minutes May 2022

6/15/2022 12:15 pm


General Meeting 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022 – 6:30 EDT


Present:  Maya Dias (President), Leila Samara (Vice-President), Ed Greenaway (Treasurer),Natalie Fleury (Secretary) Dianelle Chaparro (Family Liaison), Amy Browne (Teacher Representative) 


Other attendees:  SSC parent representatives: Julie Ma ( SSC Co-chair)Angel Maldonado, Samantha Lewis, Katrina Magdol, Emily Cusimano, Emily McDonagh, SSC Teacher representatives: Dale Leong ( Science teacher), Megan Boffa grade 4-5 teacher, Karen Mclauglin SAR teacher rep, Deanna Dumas, Anne Essaran, Tim Yaecker, Vickie Spiess, Joy Mello, Sarah Henderson, Joshua Langmead 2nd/3rd grade teacher, Keith Whelan, Lyndon teacher, Paula Walsh, Denise Trieber Lyndon SAR professional, Kellie Gill ⅔ grade teacher, Katie Hickey, Alfonso Pruneda, Molly Jansen, Amy Sallen Visual arts K-8, Michelle Antoniazzi, Julia Negle Lyndon K2/Grade 1 teacher, Geraldine Labissiere Lyndon K-8 Social Worker, Gabby Cobbs Boston children’s hospital school based clinician/counselor, Jen Schiarizzi, Suzanne McDermot, Emma Reimers K1 teacher, Kerry O”Sullivan Grade 1 teacher, Madison Wolfsberg 7-8 SAR teacher, Stphanie Roberts, Christina Butler, Lorena Almeida, Ryan Fox, Kelly Lyons, Sue Kemalian, Cara Tuttle, Mathew Payette, Ronak Shah, Kelly Lepley, Susan Ashe, Bonnie Carey, Liz Murray, Sapna Padte, Gerli Scherer Butler, Lee Rushton, Kristi Lucks, Rose O’Connor, Irene Daly, Kristen Gowin, Sarah Parker, Katherine Finucci, Lauren Trimble, Cait Lozano, Angela Galaska, Megan Bernazzani, Tara Donohue, Lee Rushton, Kerri White, Jessica Leroy Lyndon teacher, Stefanie Frischknecht, Marisa Palumbo Grade 4 teacher, Isa, Iphone( no name)



Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions


  • Maya welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introduced the interpreters and Dianelle Chaparro, Family Liaison who explained how to access the interpretive services on Zoom. 



  • This meeting was reassigned from a regular PTA meeting to allow the SSC parent representatives reach out and update the Lyndon parent/caregiver community as to upcoming issues. These issues relate to the resignation of Mrs. Tunney, the decision to be made about the leadership structure and the current issues within the school staff especially morale.


  • This meeting was not attended by Mrs. Tunney and Mr. Ward as the PTA wanted to encourage an open discussion by the parent/caregiver and staff communities.


Minutes Approval, Essentials

  • A MOTION to approve March and April meeting minutes was approved .  Minutes will be posted to the PTA website.

Lyndon School Leadership Discussion

This meeting was led by the SSC parent representatives but facilitated by PTA president Maya Dias.

As agreed, in order to facilitate an open and honest discussion, only the video presentation about the leadership options would be recorded and posted for viewing.

After the SSC presentation any discussion would not be minuted or recorded.

An anonymized version of the  chat would be made available for viewing only to the SSC parent representatives.

Below is the link to the video recording of the Zoom meeting.


PTA Meeting 5_4_22.mp4 - Google Drive


Very Brief Updates Across the Lyndon


  • PTA Board Elections: Encouraged interest in new board members for the 2022-2023 school year.


Friends of the Lyndon (FOTL) – Maya Dias: Upcoming fundraising and community event. Spring Fiesta & Fundraiser on May 5th 2022. Great Raffle and auction prizes to be won. Childcare via YMCA from 6.30-9.30pm.

Equity Roundtable - Sam Lewis via chat: For Equity Roundtable, if you responded in the Family Engagement survey that you were interested, we'll be reaching out to you to see if you'd like to be a "buddy" or partner to an incoming K1 family.

Treasurer’s Report- Ed Greenaway

Planned for at the June Annual Budget meeting.


Upcoming Events

  • June 15th: Possible Annual budget meeting
  • FOTL Spring Fiesta & Fundraiser May 5th 2022

Meeting adjourned.  

Minutes submitted Maya Dias


Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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