September 2021 PTA Special Meeting Minutes

10/6/2021 6:16 pm

Special Election Meeting


Wednesday, September 15,, 2021– 6:30 EDT



Present:  Sam Lewis (Outgoing President), Ed Greenaway (Treasurer), Leila Samara (Secretary), Katie Tunney (Lower School Management), Andre Ward (Upper School Management), Karen McLaughlin (SAR rep)  Other attendees: Stefanie Frischknecht, Julie Ma, Steve Lewis, Angela, Ann Hill, Brian McGoldrick, Cheryl Fahey, Deanna Dumas, El Bertrand, Emily McDonough, Emily Owens, Jenny Marcelin, Julie Colantonio, Karl Seibert, Kerri White, Lisa Serrano, Lisa, Maya Dias, Melissa Freedman, Sapna Padme, Sarah Parker, Sheena Pennie, Sue Kemalian, Tara Donohue, Tiffany Enzenbacher, Anne Essaren, Guerrero


Introduction of current outgoing and recently elected officers

Nominations and Election of 2021-2022 Board

  • Link in the chat to join to vote
  • Lots of back and forth figuring who was capable of taking on each position.  Cheryl Fahey volunteered to take on treasurer role.
  • It is decided Cheryl can shadow Ed to learn the role for future service.
  • New Board Elected:
    • Maya Dias- President
    • Leila Samara- Vice President
    • Sheena Pennie- Secretary
    • Ed Greenaway- Treasurer

Other Business

  • Red Sox Tickets
    • $35/ticket
    • 48 tickets left
  • Budget Approval
  • SSC and FOTL
    • 4 officers from SSC have swapped roles
    • FOTL leadership TBD
    • Elections for SSC and CPC to be held at October PTA meeting
  • Equity Roundtable
    • Family Buddy System
    • Representation Matters
    • Curriculum Night coming up
  • Lyndon Equity Roundtable 

Upcoming Events List

  • School Site Council Meeting – September 23rd @ 5:30 pm
  • Citywide Parent Council Meeting – September 28th @ 6 pm
  • Curriculum Night – September 30th 
  • Next PTA Meeting- October 6 @ 6:30 pm  and sponsored by Grade 3


Meeting adjourned


Minutes submitted by Leila Samara



Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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