June 2021 PTA Meeting Minutes

6/2/2021 6:16 pm

Board Meeting


Wednesday, June 9, 2021 – 6:30 EDT


Present:  Sam Lewis (President), Lee Rushton (Vice-President), Ed Greenaway (Treasurer), Katie Hazelton (Secretary) Karen McLaughlin (SAR Teacher Representative), Amy Browne (Teacher Representative)

Other attendees: Julie Ma, Christine Barbuto, Lora Estey, Steve Lewis, Leila Samara, and Jenny Marcelin.




Welcome, Meeting Overview, Introductions, Meet and Greet Breakouts

  • Board and directors introduced themselves.
  • Encouragement to join PTA if not already a member. This year, membership dues ($12/family) have a particularly big impact where other fundraising activities are limited.


May 2021 Minutes Approval, Accomplishments         

  • MOTION to approve May 2021 minutes, seconded and passed. Minutes are posted to PTA Facebook and website.
  • Reflections Art Update: We are still hoping to host a showcase of submissions in the outdoor classroom.
  • Teacher Appreciation Week has concluded and was a great success.
  • There are four programs that raise money for our school with little-to-no-effort on our part:
  • Box Tops – cut from purchase or download the app and scan receipts post-shopping trip
  • Amazon Smile – signup through your Amazon account or app
  • Coca-Cola Give – create an account and scan codes under caps or in cartons
  • Stop & Shop – register your S&S card for up to two schools


Updates Across the Lyndon

  • Elections for 2021-2022 PTA Board:
    • Ed Greenaway nominated to serve as Treasurer. Ed accepted the nomination.  Nomination voted on and approved. 
    • Leila Samara nominated to serve as Secretary. Leila accepted the nomination.  Nomination was voted on and approved. 
    • Jenny Marcelin nominated to serve as Vice President. Jenny accepted the nomination.  Nomination was voted on and approved. 
    • Election for PTA President delayed until September.
  • Elections for Citywide Parent Council (CPC):
    • Election for CPC delegate delayed until the Fall. Our current CPC representative, Steve Lewis, is willing to step back if someone else wants to step in. 


  • Library Update:
    • Library committee requesting additional funds for next year due to many books being lost due to pandemic. The committee is also looking for more volunteers to help. If you have any outstanding books, please return them to classroom teachers or the front office.



Treasurer’s Report

  • There will be an upcoming budget meeting budget with members of the current and future PTA Board to set 2021-2022 budget.
  • Discussion of possibly sweatshirts for members of the 6-8 basketball team. This lead into a broader discussion of how to integrate the upper and lower school by possibly publicizing the basketball games and promoting attendance by members of the lower school. Overall, discussion of how to foster broader communication and create more touch points with parents of upper school children so that they feel invested in and welcomed by the Lyndon community. 
  • If anyone has new fundraising ideas, please share them with the board.


Spring Event Ideas to Consider:

  • Spring Scholastic Book Fair: Virtual book fair runs for two weeks before summer.
  • Outdoor Movie Night – Looking for portable generator (Kerry White may have one to lend).


Meeting adjourned. 

Minutes submitted by Secretary, Katie Hazelton


Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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