May 2021 PTA Meeting Minutes

5/5/2021 6:16 pm


Board Meeting


Wednesday, May 12, 2021– 6:30 EDT



Present:  Sam Lewis (President), Ed Greenaway (Treasurer), Katie Tunney (Lower School Director), Other attendees: Stefanie Frischknecht, Julie Ma, Joy Mello, Steve Lewis




April 2021 Minutes Approval, Accomplishments, Free Money Fundraisers 

  • April 2021 minutes could not be approved due to not enough participants for a quorum
  • Materials were purchased for the new student welcome
  • Teacher Appreciation Week was a success. Staff enjoyed the daily treats and luncheon, as well as the sign out in front of the school
  • Lyndon Gear was ordered and will be delivered next week


Updates Across the Lyndon

  • School Site Council - Last meeting there was an update on the 5 day return and new hires
  • Citywide Parent Council (CPC)
  • Determining how to spend COVID relief funds, working group is working on this
  • Corey Harris who does a lot of MCAS work in the district came to speak at the last CPC meeting
  • Exam School Task force has been meeting, looking more more of a student voice
  • Looking for a parent or guardian who is able to sign for a welcome video to advertise who they are and what their mission is
  • Friends of the Lyndon (FOTL)
    • Tunney gathered feedback on Dreambox and gave the information to Joy, as the license is up this year. They are also looking into other options and to what other options are already available through the district
    • They are looking for new board members for next year
  • Room Parents
    • Encouraged room parents not to do collections, but instead to send personal notes. Teachers were appreciative
    • Room Parents can do an email to families telling them about board needs for PTA & FOTL
  • Wellness Committee
    • Irene Daly and Kelly Kennedy are working with Wellness team to do a modified Field Day during gym. T shirt.  Minute to win it activities.  June 7th.
  • Caring Committee
    • No new updates
  • Lyndon Equity Roundtable will meet again Wednesday May 26th at 7 pm.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Found a Square1Art check and that is accounted for
  • More expenses related to Reflections and Teacher Grants
  • Paid for the IXL renewal and that is currently under Community Building


Upcoming Initiatives in Detail, Upcoming Events List

  • Reflections Showcase in the Outdoor Classroom/school yard - Tentatively June 4th
  • Scholastic Bookfair online, week TBD
  • Outdoor Movie Night - Tentatively week of June 14th (last week of school)
    • Preference is for Kung Fu Panda
  • School Site Council Meeting – May 20th @ 5:30 pm
  • Citywide Parent Council Meeting – May 25th @ 6 pm
  • Equity Roundtable Meeting – May 26th @ 7 pm
  • Field Week – Week of June 7th
  • June PTA Meeting – June 9th @ 6:30 pm, Afterparty 7:45 pm
  • The next PTA meeting will be held on June 9 at 6:30 and will be sponsored by grade 2
    • Afterparty 7:45 pm, Birch Street between Distraction & Birch Street Bistro


Meeting adjourned, Minutes submitted by Julie Ma & Samantha Lewis


Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


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