Read for the Record


 WHEN: October 24, 2024 throughout the school day

 WHAT: Read for the Record is a one-day event sponsored by Jumpstart to break the world record for the most people reading the same book on the same day.  Classes will read the book and do an activity or two with the help of parents volunteers.   Over 2 million readers and thousands of classrooms, libraries, and communities will come together to celebrate early literacy.  Come join them!  This year we are DREAMING BIG!

 WHY: To raise awareness of the importance of early childhood literacy and developing a love of reading.

 WHO: K1-3rd Grade, including SAR A & B

 WHERE: At the Lyndon!






Thursday, October 27, 2022 9:30am
Thursday, October 26, 2023 9:00am
Thursday, October 24, 2024

Upcoming Events

*You need a new CORI every school year
REMINDER: It will take UP TO 2 weeks AFTER you fill out the form
AND bring your ID to the main office before
your CORI is approved so get it done TODAY! 


(click to follow)




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